Rooms To Go credit card is an excellent option for consumers who do not necessarily have the funds to buy furniture, but if they are given the option to pay over the course of time, they will be able to do so quickly. Another great thing is that the Rooms To Go retail outlet is itself quite reasonable when it comes to furniture shopping.
What The Card Offers
The Rooms To Go credit card offers great promotions and deals. You can receive a 15-month financing which is entirely interest-free. However, if you get late with your payment, your interest amount will rise to 30%, which could have a profoundly negative impact on your finances. There is also a maintenance fee which all the consumers will have to give. This maintenance fee is $0.99 per month. This means that the financing is not entirely free. Rooms To Go also does not ask for any down payment or does not have any minimum purchase requirement. There is, however, a delivery plus a sales tax charge that will be deducted from your total amount.
Things You Should Keep In Mind
Be sure to make all your payments by the due date if you are using the Rooms To Go credit card. If you are unable to make the required payments by their due date, then you will have to incur substantial interest charges from the day that you had applied at the given APR. While this might seem too contrary, having this card will provide you with numerous benefits provided you make your payments diligently and by their due dates.
Chances Of Acceptance
The higher the credit score, the higher the chance will be of you getting accepted. About 34% of the cardholders have a credit score of 701 to 750, and applications with counts less than 550 have a minimal chance of getting approved. It is also said that the maximum number of cardholders (45%) lies between the age groups of 25 to 34 years.
The card offers a convenient way of making furniture purchases, especially for those individuals who are low on finances and would find it extremely comfortable to pay in installments over the course of time. The best part about Rooms To Go retail outlets is that they offer great pricing on their products, and therefore make it easier for people to make the transaction without having to think twice about it.
Do you have any further questions regarding the Rooms To Go credit card? Why not talk to us about it? We are a team of professional people who happen to know more than a thing or two about these credit cards. Therefore, if you are interested in acquiring one, but remember microscopic about them, have a chat with us first. We would be more than happy to help you out and answer any of the questions that you might have. It is best to leave your confusions so that you can make the best purchase decision for yourself.