A Zales credit card is perfect for individuals looking to find low-cost ways of purchasing jewelry items. This jewelry store credit card gives its customers zero to low-interest payment plans. However, you should be sure to pay off all your balance in full and on time so that you can avail the card’s benefits to a maximum. The card will be a perfect way to purchase jewelry items for your loved ones this Christmas.
While there are no rewards for this card, the card has some of the most incredible benefits. For instance, the interest rates on this card are extremely small (if any), and there is no annual fee charged to cardholders. There is, however, a late payment fee and a returned payment fee of $39. The card is a great opportunity for those people who want to splurge on jewelry this winter but have limited means of doing so.
Card Review
If you want to spend extravagantly on jewelry items this Christmas, but cannot pay for all of it in one go, then you should seriously consider getting a Zales credit card and look into the deal that the jewelry store chain is offering its customers on the card.
The card is accepted only at the Zales Stores, and it has some very attractive deals on loans that will help you to borrow money for a year even at low or no interest cost at all. If you end up spending $500 and giving a 10% down payment, then you can enjoy a 0% on loan for as long as six months. You also have the option of acquiring a $1,000 loan for the next 12 months at no interest cost at all. This loan of 12 months, however, will require that you put in a 15% down payment and also pay a transaction fee of $9.94. Despite this, the deal still looks pretty attractive.
Things you can purchase with this card. They are Zales engagement rings and Diamond earrings studs,
Things To Keep In Mind On Zales Credit Card
No matter what plan you end up choosing, you will have to make monthly payments of either 3% from your balance or $20 (whichever amount is higher). You can then pay off the remaining balance in the time that has been allotted to you.
The Zales credit card is a fantastic deal for people who cannot afford to pay for their purchases there and then, and require some time to do so. This card is not difficult to acquire, and you will also be able to get it even if you have a weak or poor credit rating.
Zales Credit Card Customer Service
Still aren’t sure how the Zales credit card works? Why not give us a call? We would be more than happy to help you out and answer any of the questions that you might have. It is extremely beneficial if you clear out all your confusions regarding the card that you are thinking of acquiring so that you are not faced with any surprises later on. For more information, bookmark this site at www.creditcardsolution.org