The Jefferson Capital Systems, LLC are offering a unique program by the name of Emblem Fresh Start Solution Program where you become eligible for an Emblem credit card provided you pay off an old debt that has been charged off. This program is a unique program, and the operators are known as junk debt buyers. If you are interested in getting this card, then you should be aware that Jefferson Capital is a subsidiary of the company by the name of Compucredit.
About The Program
You can only avail this program if you receive an invitation to it. When you receive the message, however, you should make sure that your debt is maintained within SOL. If it is not within SOL, then you have the option of resetting your old debt. The card also has an excellent customer service, which will help you out in case you have any issues of requiring help with anything. In case you have no idea about this card, the customer representatives will provide you with an in-depth review.
The Benefits Of The Card
The cardholders do not have to pay an annual fee on the card, and this is perhaps the most significant benefit of the card. You would not even have to deal with any monthly service charges whatsoever. Also, the fees for late payments or going beyond the prescribed limits are extremely low. If you pay your taxes on time, you will get the benefit if an increase in the credit that you have available.
You will benefit a lot more from this card if you have a current debt since you will be able to seek a fantastic program that helps you get access to a real credit card. This credit card will help you to pay off any existing debt that you may have. The company also offers their program on debt that is not legally collectible.
Once you have accepted the offer made by the corporation and you agree on joining their program, you are eligible for making your payments through the account that you will own. Once the qualifying payments have been made, you will then receive credit that was due to the amount. Your remaining balance can then be transferred onto your Emblem credit card.
Are you still confused about the Emblem credit card? Why not give us a call? We are a team of highly professional people who happen to know more than a thing or two about the Emblem credit card. We would be more than happy to help you out and answer any of the questions that you may have. It is always better to clear out any and all of your confusions beforehand so that you do not have to face any troubles later on.